Su escuela La Petite Academy de Redmond, WA

La Petite Academy de Redmond

425.966.2301425.966.2301 o Solicite que lo llamemos
¿Padre inscrito?: Contáctenos
Abierto: L-V, 8:00 a. m.- 6:00 p. m.
Edades: 6 semanas - 12 años
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Enroll now and save up to $350!*

Bienvenido a nuestra escuela

Welcome to La Petite Academy educational daycare and preschool in Redmond, WA.

My name is Justine, and I am thrilled to be a part of the early childhood education path for 15 years.

We are confident that our school offers the best Infant Care and Preschool programs in Redmond!

Our staff here in Redmond meet all licensing requirements for education and safety protocol and they participate in annual training specific for their age group. Los maestros de nuestras aulas asumen el reto de brindar un plan de estudios enriquecedor que llegue a todos los niños.

In our Preschool and Pre-K classrooms, children have iPads with educational apps, as well as soft shapes and letters that interact with the touchscreens. Plus, our Preschool class has an Inspire Plus interactive table and our Pre-K class features a STEM Lab with hands-on learning experiences. For School-Agers, we have tripods for movie making, robots for coding, a new gaming system, and more!

Estamos comprometidos a mantenerlo conectado durante todo el día mientras su hijo está bajo nuestro cuidado. Obtenga acceso a transmisión de video en vivo del aula de su hijo, además de otras actualizaciones en tiempo real, con nuestra aplicación móvil exclusiva para familias, SproutAbout.

I invite you to schedule a tour and learn all the things La Petite Academy in Redmond, WA has to offer!

A continuación lo que la gente tiene para decir

5 de 5 estrellas
Love how my child is thrilled to go to school
Verified Shopper
The staff is fantastic and I never worry about my kiddo while he's there. He's loved and has a great time!
Verified Shopper
The school is great! The staff is wonderful and my child is happy. I couldn't ask for anything more!
Verified Shopper
My child looks happy to be there; he loves his school and teachers.
Verified Shopper
Everyone is friendly and loving toward the kids. Everyone has fun and I look forward to dropping off and picking up at the end of the day. They always make smile and laugh!
Verified Shopper
My daughter is extremely happy when we drop her in the mornings and as a working parents it's extremely important to feel that she is enjoying going to school.
Verified Shopper
My school experience has been great from the day we started. The staff looks happy and they love the kids!
Verified Shopper
The teachers are loving and my daughter is happy at school.
Verified Shopper
Love it! All the teachers are amazing and my child loves going there ❤️ Miss Stevie is the sweetest teacher ever x
Verified Shopper
We are so lucky to have our daughter at La Petite, and meeting such lovely teachers!
Verified Shopper

Nuestros programas


¡Es la mejor experiencia veraniega! Será una temporada fantástica, llena de amistades, juegos, descubrimientos, excursiones, comidas deliciosas y más. Disfrute de lo maravilloso del verano.

Explorar nuestro campamento de verano

Conozca sobre los programas opcionales

Por una tarifa adicional, vaya más allá de las experiencias de aprendizaje en el aula con nuestra serie mejorada de programas de enriquecimiento divertidos e interactivos que exploran una variedad de actividades. Ofrecemos:

Fútbol, música, yoga, español, fonética, escritura y matemática avanzada

Abra una ventana al día de su hijo.

SproutAbout®, our exclusive family app, provides free live streaming video of your child’s classroom to your mobile device.

Conozca más

Conozca nuestro personal

Justine Skouge, directora

Educación: Early Childhood Development Associates Degree

Certificaciones: 20 Hours STARS, First Aid & CPR, Bloodborne Pathogens, and Food Handler's Permit, Background check and fingerprints, reference check completed.

Hello, my name is Justine, and I am thrilled to be a part of the early childhood education path for 15 years. I've always been passionate about working with children and I find it very rewarding to watch them learn and grow. I am excited to continue to help all the children achieve their goals. I love to manage and coordinate curriculum with staff that complies with state and federal requirements. Ensure that center facilities are safe for children and comply with laws and regulations.

Conozca nuestro personal

Melissa Oh, Directora asistente

Educación: Bachelors

Certificaciones: AED/CPR Infants

Hi there, my name is Melissa and I am so excited to meet your children as they learn and grow. My personal passions include learning languages, especially ones from South Asia. As a former MLL teacher, I am deeply invested in a language-rich environment for our future listeners, speakers, readers, and writers. I grew up loving math so I aim to impart confidence and enjoyment of mathematics to our students.

Conozca nuestro personal

Puspa Deshmukh, Líder de equipo

Educación: Bachelors Degree and Bachelor of Education

Certificaciones: 30 Hours STARS, First Aid & CPR, Bloodborne Pathogens, and Food Handler's Permit, Background check and fingerprints

Hello, my name is Puspa Deshmukh and I have over four years of experience in this field. I am happy to welcome your child to our center and provide a quality learning experience. I love to work with kids and can't wait to meet you and your family. I strive to meet children's needs while helping to foster early development!

Visítenos hoy

Busque una escuela en su vecindario y programe hoy mismo una visita. No vemos la hora de mostrarle todas las cosas maravillosas que suceden en La Petite Academy.


Programe una visita o solicite que lo llamemos

Número de teléfono de la escuela local: 425.867.1998425.867.1998 Licencia #: 3146

*La oferta es para un crédito de inscripción de hasta $350. El crédito por la tarifa por inscripción se aplica una vez inscripto (la tarifa de inscripción varía según la ubicación). La oferta es válida según haya espacio disponible para todos los grupos de edades. Sin valor en efectivo. Límite de una oferta por niño, para usar una sola vez. Ciertas restricciones se pueden aplicar a las familias con subsidios. Consulte los detalles en la escuela. Oferta no válida para los asociados de Learning Care Group o sus familias inmediatas. Oferta válida únicamente en las ubicaciones participantes y sujeto a disponibilidad. Los programas y el horario de funcionamiento puede variar según la escuela. La oferta no es garantía de inscripción. Es necesario inscribirse antes del 13 de septiembre de 2024. Esta institución es un proveedor que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades. ©2024 Learning Care Group (EE. UU.) No. 2 Inc.;
