Su escuela La Petite Academy de Glendale, AZ

La Petite Academy de Glendale

877.861.5078877.861.5078 o Solicite que lo llamemos
¿Padre inscrito?: Contáctenos
Abierto: L-V, 6:30 a. m.- 6:00 p. m.
Edades: 6 semanas - 12 años
Programe una visita

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Enroll now and save up to $350!*

Bienvenido a nuestra escuela

¡Bienvenido a La Petite Academy! Our school provides infant, toddler, preschool, and pre-kindergarten programs. We provide a safe, loving, positive, and educational environment where children's individual needs are met by our dedicated teachers.

My name is Tami Bowen, Center Director of La Petite Academy. Estamos comprometidos a mantenerlo conectado durante todo el día mientras su hijo está bajo nuestro cuidado. Get access to live streaming video of your child's classroom, plus other real-time updates, with our exclusive mobile app for families, Sprout About.

Call us today to schedule a tour, we cannot wait to meet you!

A continuación lo que la gente tiene para decir

5 de 5 estrellas
Awesome. I trust all the employees and I know my kids are in great hands
Verified Shopper
From day one we have truly felt like family. That is everyday. Thank you for the teachers and family members we have gained along the way.
Verified Shopper
We have love having our daughter at this school any time that there is any question it is immediately answered and we are always in the loop with what is going on with our daughter at school. We have never felt more trusting of a childcare center.
Verified Shopper
I love the teachers especially miss zacaria she is the main reason I chose to stay I know my kids will be love and cared for.
Verified Shopper
La escuela es excelente. They are informative, return my calls in a timely manner, they care for my child and provide a welcoming environment and great curriculum.
Verified Shopper
This school has been great for my daughter. She is making friends and excited each day to go to school. I love all the crafts the kids get to do and bring home. My experience has been great and can't wait for my other kids to get older to start in the PreK Program.
Verified Shopper
We adore this school. Everyone is so kind and they truly care about our daughters wellbeing and growth. We absolutely love Mrs. Beth and the staff in the Pre-K class. Jen and Amy are also amazing. They are always welcoming and super passionate about what they do.
Verified Shopper
We have had an wonderful experience with the school. My daughter adores Mrs. Beth. Both the Director and assistant director go above and beyond to listen to any concerns and make you feel welcome. Mrs. Beth always takes the time to go over my daughters day when I pick her up and she is so patient and loving we couldn't ask for a better teacher. My daughter has shown so much improvement with her speach
and her ability to socialize. She has also made a huge improvement with her cognitive and motor skills. We are beyond blessed to have found this school. They treat each child as an individual which is so important to us.
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Verified Shopper

Nuestros programas


¡Es la mejor experiencia veraniega! Será una temporada fantástica, llena de amistades, juegos, descubrimientos, excursiones, comidas deliciosas y más. Disfrute de lo maravilloso del verano.

Explorar nuestro campamento de verano

Conozca sobre los programas opcionales

Por una tarifa adicional, vaya más allá de las experiencias de aprendizaje en el aula con nuestra serie mejorada de programas de enriquecimiento divertidos e interactivos que exploran una variedad de actividades. Ofrecemos:

Fútbol, música, yoga, español, fonética, escritura y matemática avanzada

Abra una ventana al día de su hijo.

SproutAbout®, our exclusive family app, provides free live streaming video of your child’s classroom to your mobile device.

Conozca más

¡Orgullosos de tener la acreditación!

Hemos sido reconocidos como un programa de educación temprana de alta calidad.

Conozca nuestro personal

Tami Bowen, directora

Educación: High School Diploma, College Credits. Training certificates

Certificaciones: First Aid/ Cpr, Finger Print Clearance Card, and Food Handler Card

I have been a Preschool Director for over 30 years. I love children and enjoy watching them learn and grow everyday. Our school has developed a great team of loving, qualified and dedicated teachers to teach your children and give them the best Preschool experience possible. Please feel free to talk with me anytime as I'm here for your family. We would love to invite you in for a tour to see our school and meet our great teachers.

Visítenos hoy

Busque una escuela en su vecindario y programe hoy mismo una visita. No vemos la hora de mostrarle todas las cosas maravillosas que suceden en La Petite Academy.


Programe una visita o solicite que lo llamemos

Número de teléfono de la escuela local: 623.561.6454623.561.6454 Licencia #: CDC-5020

*La oferta es para un crédito de inscripción de hasta $350. El crédito por la tarifa por inscripción se aplica una vez inscripto (la tarifa de inscripción varía según la ubicación). La oferta es válida según haya espacio disponible para todos los grupos de edades. Sin valor en efectivo. Límite de una oferta por niño, para usar una sola vez. Ciertas restricciones se pueden aplicar a las familias con subsidios. Consulte los detalles en la escuela. Oferta no válida para los asociados de Learning Care Group o sus familias inmediatas. Oferta válida únicamente en las ubicaciones participantes y sujeto a disponibilidad. Los programas y el horario de funcionamiento puede variar según la escuela. La oferta no es garantía de inscripción. Es necesario inscribirse antes del 13 de septiembre de 2024. Esta institución es un proveedor que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades. ©2024 Learning Care Group (EE. UU.) No. 2 Inc.;
