Su escuela La Petite Academy de Bellevue, NE

La Petite Academy de Bellevue

877.861.5078877.861.5078 o Solicite que lo llamemos
¿Padre inscrito?: Contáctenos
Abierto: L-V, 6:00 a. m.- 6:00 p. m.
Edades: 6 semanas - 5 años
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¡Oferta especial!

Inscríbase y asista antes del 28 de marzo, ¡ahorre hasta $350!*

Bienvenido a nuestra escuela

Welcome to our La Petite Academy educational child care center in Bellevue, NE! My name is Carolyn Perez, and I am the academy director. I have a bachelor's degree in music with an emphasis in education. Prior to taking on this position, I was a program assistant director for five years, but have been with La Petite Academy since 2012.

Collectively, our teachers have over 100 years of experience in early childhood education. We receive ongoing training to continue providing safe, educational experiences for children. We also hold the best retention of teachers in our district.

Safety is our top priority, so our building is equipped with a locked-door entry security system. Only those who are authorized for pick-up are able to enter the building by typing in a code, and identification is always checked by a member of management.

Estamos comprometidos a mantenerlo conectado durante todo el día mientras su hijo está bajo nuestro cuidado. Obtenga acceso a transmisión de video en vivo del aula de su hijo, además de otras actualizaciones en tiempo real, con nuestra aplicación móvil exclusiva para familias, SproutAbout.

Since opening in 1980, we have offered a welcoming, high-quality learning environment for children. Call us today to schedule a tour at La Petite Academy in Bellevue, NE!

Reserve un recorrido en línea

¡Nuestra herramienta de programación lo hace simple, rápido y conveniente! Con solo unos pocos clics, puede elegir su fecha y hora ideales, y confirmar. 

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A continuación lo que la gente tiene para decir

4.78 de 5 estrellas
I love everything about this school and the director and the educators.
Enrolled Family
An amazing experience. The director and staff are wonderful.
Enrolled Family
Very happy with the teachers, not only the ones that my son interacts with on a daily basis, but all of them. They greet me when I come in, tell me things about my son that they've noticed. Overall, the engagement and attentiveness is great, and that's something I appreciate!
Enrolled Family
I love this school. When we had our tour before signing up, all of the staff was warm and welcoming. They introduced themselves to our kids and made them feel comfortable. They are still as kind every day when I drop off/pick up my kids. The staff knows each of them by name and know enough about them to help with any issues I may be having whether that child is in their class or not. I HIGHLY recommend
this school for anyone needing quality care.
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Enrolled Family
Very friendly staff. Love seeing the activities my kids do every day. The staff is very helpful and understanding to my 3yo having struggles at drop off.
Enrolled Family
We love La Petite Bellevue. My boys always surprise us with something new that they have learned from the teachers there. The teachers have been amazing and genuinely care about my kids. I'm always updated by the staff when I drop and pick up my kids. This leaves me worried free knowing my kids are well taken care of while I am at work.
Enrolled Family
Our daughter has learned so much since we moved her to La Petite. They helped her learn to walk, how to use hand signals, and motions to different songs. The teachers are always excited to see her and seem to be very attentive to the children. We are always greeted with a warm hello when we walk in
Enrolled Family
La Petite has exceeded my expectations when I started taking my children there. The teachers here are wonderful. They love my children like their own, nurture them, comfort them and keep them safe. They work with my children on reaching their milestones and educate them. You can tell the teachers and staff that work at La Petite in Bellevue truly love their jobs which reflects on how they care
for your children. It can be hard to find quality child care but I am glad we were able to find it at La Petite.
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Enrolled Family
This is by far the the most positive experience we've had regarding child care.
Enrolled Family

Nuestros programas


¡Es la mejor experiencia veraniega! Será una temporada fantástica, llena de amistades, juegos, descubrimientos, excursiones, comidas deliciosas y más. Disfrute de lo maravilloso del verano.

Explorar nuestro campamento de verano

Conozca sobre los programas opcionales

Por una tarifa adicional, vaya más allá de las experiencias de aprendizaje en el aula con nuestra serie mejorada de programas de enriquecimiento divertidos e interactivos que exploran una variedad de actividades. Ofrecemos:

Escritura y matemática avanzada, música, fonética, fútbol, español, yoga

Abra una ventana al día de su hijo.

SproutAbout®, our exclusive family app, provides free live streaming video of your child’s classroom to your mobile device.

Conozca más

¡Orgullosos de tener la acreditación!

Hemos sido reconocidos como un programa de educación temprana de alta calidad.

Conozca nuestro personal

Denna Fauble, directora

Educación: Credencial de asociada en desarrollo infantil

Certificaciones: RCP y primeros auxilios

Trabajo en La Petite Academy desde 2017. During that time, I have worked as a School Age and Toddler Teacher, Team Lead, and the Program Assistant Director at the Bellevue school. Throughout my time at La Petite, I have enjoyed making many different connections with the children and their families. I became the Academy Director in July of 2024. I am excited to help our teachers and students be successful.

Conozca nuestro personal

Morgan Corns , Directora asistente

Educación: Credencial de asociada en desarrollo infantil

Certificaciones: RCP y primeros auxilios

I have worked at La Petite Academy since 2021. I was the Assistant Preschool Teacher before becoming the Lead Preschool Teacher. I have loved getting to know the children in my care and have loved every second of watching them grow. I became the Assistant Director in June of 2024. I have loved having a hand in helping the teachers and students do their best every day.

Conozca nuestro personal

Caitlin Thompson, administradora educativa de la escuela

Educación: Licenciatura en Psicología

Certificaciones: Master Teacher Certification, CPR, First Aid

I am very passionate about working with children to make a positive difference in their lives. I have five years of experience in the behavioral health field. I have worked with La Petite for two years as the Pre-K teacher. I completed the Master Teacher Program in 2022. I am enjoying being able to train and teach other teachers in curriculum, safety, and classroom management. I am grateful to have been awarded the District Teacher of the Year in 2023 for Nebraska, Iowa and South Dakota.

Visítenos hoy

¡No vemos la hora de mostrarle todas las cosas maravillosas que suceden en nuestra escuela!

Programe una visita o solicite que lo llamemos

Número de teléfono de la escuela local: 402.292.8221402.292.8221 Licencia #: CCC100

*La oferta de inscripción es por un crédito de inscripción de hasta $350. El crédito por la tarifa por inscripción se aplica una vez inscripto (la tarifa de inscripción varía según la ubicación).

La oferta de matrícula es por un crédito de matrícula equivalente a dos {2} semanas de matrícula programada. El niño debe inscribirse por un mínimo de tres días completos por semana. El crédito de la matrícula se aplica en dos semanas separadas, después de 3 y 6 semanas de inscripción. Disponible solo si se paga la matrícula completa por anticipado con cheque o ACH.

Oferta válida según haya espacio disponible para todos los grupos de edades. Sin valor en efectivo. Límite de un uso por niño. Ciertas restricciones se pueden aplicar a las familias con subsidios. Consulte los detalles en la escuela. Oferta no válida para los asociados de Learning Care Group o sus familias inmediatas. Oferta válida únicamente en las ubicaciones participantes y sujeto a disponibilidad. Los programas y el horario de funcionamiento puede variar según la escuela. La oferta no es garantía de inscripción. Debe inscribirse antes del 28 de marzo de 2025. Debe comenzar la asistencia regular antes del 11 de abril de 2025. Esta institución es un proveedor y empleador que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades. ©2025 Learning Care Group (US) No. 2 Inc.
